Mic | Opinion

Protest is patriotic. Brittany speaks on the latest NFL ban-and Trump’s Comments- on #TakeAKnee.

In the context if the current debate on gun control, Brittany gives a primer on white privilege- and just how it shows up.

Gun violence in black and brown communities doesn’t seem to be more than a hypocritical talking point for the NRA.

Brittany invited people to share their experiences living #WhileBlack. The responses poured in.

Gun violence is not limited to mass shootings. Gun violence shows up in communities of color-often as police violence.

Dr. King was nonviolent-but he wasn't non-confrontational. Brittany Packnett shares the truth of Dr. King's legacy for Mic opinion.

Brittany marches with Chikesia Clemons- and reminds us Black Women deserve our support, too.

Racialized hypocrisy is not new-but it seems to have returned as we discuss the many forms of ‘acceptable’ protest.

The work of Civil Rights will always be more important than it is popular. Dr. King reminds us of this daily.

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